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Fish Stocking Concerns Independent of PG&E's License Surrender


Continuing to Serve Community Stakeholders

KC LLC, a collaboration of Davis Hydro LLC and Sackheim Consulting, remains committed to preserving and enhancing recreational fishing at Kilarc Reservoir, immediately and in the long term. We believe that the best way to achieve this goal, and other benefits that can be integrated into the continued operation of this historic hydroelectric generating facility, is to collaborate with all community stakeholders who would like to learn more and become engaged in the transition process.

Update/Summary of the FERC Process and Status

The FERC has released a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) recommending approval of PG&E's proposed plan to dismantle a majority of the facilities, including Kilarc Reservoir. KC Hydro will continue to collaborate with the community to save Kilarc Reservoir for recreation and green hydroelectric generation with new financial and in-kind support to recovery of endangered salmonids and habitats.

The FERC comment deadline was extended to August 25, 2010

The Commission staff will hold a second Public Meeting:
Kilarc-Cow Creek Project Public Meeting
Date : August 17, 2010
Time : 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. (PST)
Place : Whitmore Community Center
Address: 30555 Whitmore Road, Whitmore, CA 96096
Telephone: (530) 472-6463
This meeting is open to the public. At this meeting, state and federal resource agency personnel, Indian tribes, non-governmental organizations, and other interested persons will have the opportunity to provide oral and/or written comments regarding the Draft EIS. The meeting will be recorded by a court reporter, and all statements (verbal and written) will become part of the Commission’s public record for the project.

The FERC has explicitly stated "You do not need intervenor status to have your comments considered." If you would like to have your letter filed on your behalf with the FERC, provide your name, as you would like it to appear publicly, and your phone number that will not be made public but may be used by the FERC to confirm you approve publication of your comments, and send a copy to

Update/Summary of the Fish Stocking Concerns Independent of PG&E's License Surrender

Action by KC Hydro was Critical to Resumption of Fish Stocking for Recreational Fishing at Kilarc

CDFG staff have already started their evaluation, taking into consideration the limited amount of effort required to complete their work after the KC LLC biologist has already completed the analysis, and in anticipation of many fishermen, women and children benefiting from the stocking, at the August 1 picnic and as expressed by signatures on the petitions that KC LLC had developed and submitted.

Steve Baumgartner of California Department of Fish and Game sent an e-mail to Kelly Sackheim on June 29, 2010 stating "We do have the catchable triploids on hand at Darrah Springs Hatchery. Understanding that the reservoir receives the level of angling pressure that it does, coupled with the upcoming event, we will do everything we can to expedite the completion of the Pre Stocking Evaluation."

KC LLC is optimistic that by leading a similar collaborative approach, we will be able to build an enhanced multipurpose facility at Kilarc upon PG&E’s hydropower license surrender.

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