Fish Stocking Concerns Independent of PG&E's License Surrender


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Fish Stocking Concerns Independent of PG&E's License Surrender


Work with CDFG continues following Whitmore Community Picnic at Kilarc held August 1

While the fishing may have been “less than spectacular” (quote from Glenn Dye, Save Kilarc Committee founder and Chair, at for one important weekend event, CDFG is to be commended for getting any fish stocked at all, after the lawsuit that has required extra studies to maintain their entire stocking program. As noted at, the CDFG now has two lists of stockable waters updated August 6, 2010, including those receiving catchable-size trout (19 sites in Shasta County, including Kilarc and the Sacramento River, that weren’t on the single list dated July 23), and those approved under a new program for fingerling (put & grow) release (6 sites in Shasta County that are also on the larger list).

KC Hydro, after retaining a biologist to complete the study protocol so that evaluation of Kilarc Reservoir could jump CDFG’s queue to be approved for stocking in time for the picnic, has submitted a new request to CDFG to revisit that study, which identifies that Kilarc should be considered suitable for stocking the standard “diploid” hatchery trout, rather than only the sterile “triploid” trout that are in such short supply. CDFG has indicated that there are no further triploid trout available to stock Kilarc the week of August 8, which was requested by KC Hydro so that persons traveling to the August 17 FERC meeting in Whitmore could get in some fishing on the same trip, but KC Hydro’s latest request has been forwarded to the CDFG Supervisor.

The restrictions on stocking non-sterile rainbow trout in Kilarc Reservoir are directly linked to the assumption that Old Cow Creek in the vicinity of the Kilarc Hydropower Project supports anadromy – e.g. steelhead trout (that are rainbow trout that travel to the ocean and return). Additional study to determine the state of anadromy in Old Cow Creek will not only affect stocking decisions but will contribute to establishing a foundation for evaluating the fate of the hydropower facilities upon PG&E’s license surrender as well.

Update from CDFG - June 29, 2010

Steve Baumgartner of California Department of Fish and Game sent an e-mail to Kelly Sackheim stating "DFG is currently in the process of writing the Pre Stocking Evaluation for Kilarc Reservoir. It is clear from management that if we approve the stocking of trout into the reservoir, they will be sterile triploid trout because of the anadromous nature of the watershed. We do have the catchable triploids on hand at Darrah Springs Hatchery. Understanding that the reservoir receives the level of angling pressure that it does, coupled with the upcoming event, we will do everything we can to expedite the completion of the PSE."

Action by KC Hydro was Critical to Resumption of Fish Stocking for Recreational Fishing at Kilarc

7/1/10 KC/Davis Hydro Letter to Editor: Trout fishing at Kilarc-Current status after lending a hand, rather than criticizing CDFG (or NMFS, or PG&E) staff

(East Valley Times, 7/1/10, bottom of page 11) (East Valley Times, 7/1/10, Trout fishing letter continued on bottom of page 12)

Background: CDFG suspended stocking of a majority of fishing areas in the state.

In mid-May, 2010, KC LLC started working to restore stocking of catchable fish to Kilarc Reservoir, and other sites in the vicinity that may be efficiently analyzed by our consultant at the same time.

Appendix K of the EIR/EIS that can be downloaded from CDFG's website describes the process that must be followed.

85 Community Members signed a petition circulated by KC LLC at the Whitmore Mountain Fair, urging CDFG to resume stocking following completion of necessary studies.

5/16/2010 - a community member e-mailed

To whom it may concern,

I would like to see Kilarc Lake remain open as a fishing area for the families that have been using this area for many generations. It's a beautiful setting and as I understand from talking with some of the local people that have been going up there for many years, it would be a shame to take this lake away from so many that enjoy the serenity of it's environment. As for myself, I am a valley dweller and look forward to my weekends when I can get out of here and go up to Kilarc to fish and re-generate from my weeks work load. I am originally a mountain lady that had to come to the valley in order to find decent employment, so I understand the frantic cry's for help from the people that have lived in the Whitmore area for years..

Is there some way to establish this area as a historic lake since it has been around for so many years? I would imagine this has been brought up before. To me this is something worth while looking into in order to save this lake and keep it for generations to come, so they may enjoy it's beauty as we do now.

Thank you,
Susan provided a summary of the situation. 83 more signatures were collected and submitted to CDFG.

Statements of support and pledges to defray the costs of the study and other efforts of KC Hydro to preserve Kilarc Reservoir for recreational fishing and other activities into the future may be transmitted to Please include your phone number.
