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Proposed New Small Hydro Sites in the US
Consulting Support to Existing Hydro Operations International Hydroelectric // Founding Partners
$50 Rebate to Electric Customers of National Grid in New York!Please download "Express" sign-up at
SandyHollowHydroElectricRebate.pdf for full details of program, or simply
send an e-mail to rebateNY@kchydro.com - preferably with a copy of your National Grid Electric bill attached.
KC Hydro has been providing its customers with annual payments for the last 5 years. To become a customer of green, renewable distributed electricity generated in Piermont, New Hampshire, simply
send an e-mail to rebateNH@kchydro.com - preferably with a copy of your Eversource-NH bill attached.
KC Hydro promotes the development, retention, and enhancement of small hydroelectric generation
as a renewable energy source where the net benefit to the environment is positive. We achieve maximum benefit by collaborating with local stakeholders
in the implementation of multipurpose projects that include recreation, water supply, fish enhancement and conservation.